
Play National

Play National consist of digital adshels at malls, big bus terminals, the boat terminal at Nesodden, and street environments around the country. It also consists of billboards at mall City Lade in Trondheim. Additionally, if you have bought the largest package, seven digital adshels at the airports close to Bergen and Trondheim are also included.

Choose between linear campaign and a dynamic campaign:

All digital campaigns can be either dynamic campaigns, or linear campaigns. The latter, the linear campaign, is the most common.

A linear campaign is a campaign that remains the same through the campaing period. You upload short films to us in advance, that we show on agreed time slots during your campaign period.

A dynamic campaign is however, as the name reveals, a dynamic campaign. The material for such a campaign is delivered as a URL where you can change the content yourself during the campaign period. You can use open APIs and change the content according to for instance happenings, weather, temperature, product availability / product price etc.

The specifications for a dynamic campaign, differ a little bit compared to a linear campaign.

If you are going to take advantage of dynamic material / HTML/HTML5 material, please see here for important information about specifications, deadline, format, delivery and other information.


Play Adshel:
1080 x 1920 pixels.
Portrait format.

Play Billboard:
1920 x 1080 pixels.
Landscape format.

Ad length

5 or 10 seconds. Please check purchased media space in the order confirmation.


  • Delivered as mov, mp4 or jpg/png (72 dpi) in RGB.
    For HTML delivery, please see specs here.
  • Files must not exceed 8000 KB/S (Constant Bit Rate).
  • Max file size: 30 MB.
  • Maximum of 25 frames/second.

Material deadline

Linear material:

Minimum 3 working days before campaign start.

If the customer intends to advertise together with another brand so-called “co-branding”, Clear Channel needs to be notified of this no later than 4 weeks before the start of the campaign in order to secure delivery of the booked campaign.

Delivery notes

Linear material:

Please name your files like this: Order Number_Customer Name_Campaign Week_Format_Design Number. For example 72445_OsloPride_25-26_PlayAdshel_1. Design number is used when you have several different designs.

Other notes

Please avoid very small text if possible.

Upload files to ClearChannel here: http//


Play environment
Photoshop file with smart object where you can place your artwork in the environment and this way create a mockup of your campaign.

Play shopping
After Effects file with correct measurements for designers to use.

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