Airport OSL – Play Billboard Arrival Domestic West
1800 x 1260 pixels
Please note that the screen wraps around a corner. Be careful about placements of content (text/logos) that are close to the corner of the screen.
Ad length
10 seconds
MP4 or MOV. Use H264 codec for MP4. Do not exceed 20000 KB/S
JPG or PNG. 72 DPI
Material deadline
Minimum 3 working days before campaign start. Exceptions for HTML, see below.
Delivery notes
Name files with:
E.g: AmericanExpress_2019_w39_OSL_BigScreenDomArrWest
Other notes
Please avoid very small text if possible.
HTML: Resolution may vary.
Please contact for exact information.
Deadline delivery: 10 working days.
Upload files to ClearChannel here: http//