
Inspiration – Create adshels

Do the unexpected with a special installation on classic advertising. "Create" is all campaigns that are thinking outside of the box - let the content run outside the boarders, make it in 3D, give out samples or cover the frame in foil. The possibilities are endless and only the imagination sets the limits.

Pictures, case films and locations

See pictures of brands that have entered the stage and created an impact here.

See case movies from Create campaigns here.

See a map with some of the possible Create locations in Oslo here.

Adshel as showcase

Sampling in adshel

Adshel with a 3D element at the top

Water tank w/pump in adshel

Adshel with hologram

Adshel with fan

Adshel with lighting effects

Adshel with full-covering box/bag

Adshel with AR solution with code to Snapchat

Adshel with lenticular print

Create stunts


Do you want to know more about how you can strengthen your brand with a creative campaign? Get in touch today, and we’ll help you.

Isabel Brodtkorb

Senior Manager Create & Engage

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On 22 02 34 00. Or send an email to