Meet the customers where they are
Clear Channel is Norway's leading outdoor media company with the market's best reach. No other advertising channel today can give you as good coverage and frequency with the same cost effectiveness as out of home (OOH) advertising with us. You can simply do more with less!
We are nationwide, with advertising surfaces in malls, airports, streets and city bikes.
Exposures per week
200 mill.
No other channel can provide as good a frequency at the same price as OOH advertising! The campaigns reach big and are remembered by your target groups, in a way that they like and that is not perceived as intrusive.
National coverage
Advertising with us means that you hit the market with great power and accuracy. Alone or in combination with other media, OOH advertising offers great scope for creativity with campaigns that "everyone" sees.
A large audience
Through 18.000 digital and classic advertising surfaces, in carefully selected locations around Norway, we offer the opportunity to reach and engage people with creative communication in an outdoor environment. Campaigns with us strengthen brands while inspiring people and making our urban environments more dynamic. A simply fantastic business model, where a high percentage of the advertising revenue is reinvested in the cities.
Clear Channel appoints sustainability expert for the Scandinavian market
16th of December 2022
Katarzyna Żabicka assumes the new role Quality and Sustainability Developer. Clear Channel Scandinavia thereby accelerates its sustainability and quality work.
Ongoing efforts regarding the war in Ukraine
We are proud to be able to offer Scandinavia’s largest platform for brands that want to reach out and engage people in places where they live, travel and move on a daily basis. But we are not content with that. With great opportunities to reach out, we also have a responsibility to make a difference, and therefore we have a clear vision that our presence in the cities shall contribute to nicer, more dynamic and sustainable environments. Right now we use our platform to show our support to the Ukrainian people by donating media space to humanitarian aid organizations that work hard as a result of the invasion in Ukraine.