Airport TOS – Brand Walls
Brand Wall – Domestic Arrival
Part 1 – W:340cm x H:200cm
Part 2 – W: 360cm x H:200cm
Part 3 – W: 360cm x H:200cm
Part 4 – W:340cm x H:200cm
Brand Wall – International Arrival
Part 1 – W:340cm x H:200cm
Part 2 – W: 360cm x H:200cm
Part 3 – W: 360cm x H:200cm
Part 4 – W:340cm x H:200cm
Brand Wall – International Arrival by passport control
W: 894cm x 280cm
Brand Wall – International Departure
W: 894cm x 280cm
Foil on glass.
Print-ready file(s)
–Scale: 1:2.*
–File: Deliver pdf-file in high resolution with cropmarks.
–Resolution: 150 dpi or higher.
–Colour: Make sure all colours are converted to CMYK (FOGRA39).
–Bleed: 10 mm bleed and crop marks.
-Make sure all text, logos, graphics ect. are outlined.
-Fonts must be vectorized (saved as text contours).
-We recommend that all text is min. 10 cm. from the edge.
*=Files can also be made in e.g 1:1. Remember to adjust the DPI accordingly.
Material deadline
If you are printing through Clear Channel:
At least 10 working days (at 8 am) before the campaign commences, or as stated in the order confirmation, finished original must be sent to Clear Channel.
Upload print-ready PDFs at:
Delivery notes
The high-resolution PDF must be named OSL, ADVERTISER, FORMAT and WEEK OF CAMPAIGN.