Aktuelt / Samfunnsansvar

Ongoing efforts regarding the war in Ukraine

We are proud to be able to offer Scandinavia’s largest platform for brands that want to reach out and engage people in places where they live, travel and move on a daily basis. But we are not content with that. With great opportunities to reach out, we also have a responsibility to make a difference, and therefore we have a clear vision that our presence in the cities shall contribute to nicer, more dynamic and sustainable environments. Right now we use our platform to show our support to the Ukrainian people by donating media space to humanitarian aid organizations that work hard as a result of the invasion in Ukraine.

Right now all eyes are on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Humanitarian aid organizations are working hard to provide Ukraine’s citizens the help they need. In order to be able to help, the organizations need donations. 

In Clear Channel Scandinavia show our support by donating media space to humanitarian aid organizations such as UNICEF, UNHCR, Save the Children International, Red Cross, Flyktningehjelpen in Norway, Red Barnet in Denmark and Rädda Barnen and Hela Sverige skramlar in Sweden, with the aim of spreading important information on how citizens of Scandinavia can contribute to support the Ukrainian people.

The war in Ukraine affects us all. As a company and media owner, it is important for us to show our support and contribute in the ways we can. We have a platform that daily reaches millions of people around Scandinavia, and to use it for the benefit of the victims of the war is something we do as a matter of course.

Kenneth Ek, CEO Clear Channel Scandinavia

In March and April we ran the message “United We Stand With Ukraine” across digital displays in Scandinavia, Europe and the US. The campaign was coordinated together with Out of Home Advertising Association of America.

Messages on our platform reach a huge part of the population within a week. We continuously invest in projects to find new ways to continue to make outdoor advertising a platform that does good. Read more about Platform for good here


Cecilie Foss

Head of Marketing & Communication

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